

Amazon Illegal Mining Detection

The Amazon rainforest, known for its rich biodiversity and vital role in regulating the Earth’s climate, has been facing a grave threat in the form of deforestation. This destructive ...

In classification, supervised, Jan 18, 2019

A Guide to Interpreting statsmodels summary table

In the realm of data science and machine learning, understanding statistical results is crucial for making informed decisions. One of the most commonly used packages data scientist en...

In Dec 23, 2023

Optiver stock volatility prediction

Project description

In May 12, 2022

Coronavirus Data Analysis

Subtitle: COVID19 Spread SIR Model Simulation using Python

In data scraping, statistical modelling, Mar 14, 2020

Anime Recommender

In recent years, anime has become increasingly popular worldwide, and the number of anime available online has grown exponentially. With so many options to choose from, it can be cha...

In supervised, May 28, 2019